Sunday, September 26, 2021

Harlow’s Measurement

 In Te Maunga we have been doing Measurement. We learnt about Perimeter and Area. Perimeter means the outside of the shape that you are working on, and Area means the inside of the shape that you are working on. My favourite part was doing Perimeter. The most challenging thing was doing Area and finishing in time.

Harlow’s Te Reo

 In Te Maunga we have been learning about Te Reo. I learnt the Maori names of the rainbow like Ma means white, Mawhero means pink, Whero means red, Kowhai means yellow, Kikorangi means blue, Karaka means orange, Kakariki means green, Pango means brown.

I also learnt the Maori names of animals too like Manu means bird, ika means fish, Ngeru means cat, Kuri means dog, Poaka means pig, Hoiho means horse, Kiore means rat, Arewhana means elephant, Kau means cow. One thing I liked doing was learning the Maori names of animals. The most challenging thing was getting finished in time.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Harlow's awesome Lockdown

At home Mum, dad, my sister Nova, my cousin Ocean and I all did a family Olympics. I learnt how to play volleyball and to make your day not be boring and be active with my family. One thing that I enjoyed the most was having fun with my family. The most challenging thing for me was being away from home when we went to our beach house at Davis Crescent but I was fine.